A Bouquet of Scarlet Blooms: An In-Depth Look with Descriptions and Photos

Are you searching for a way to add a pop of color to your garden with some red flowers, but uncertain about which ones would be perfect for your house or garden area? In this article, we will explore 61 of our top choices to introduce some extra color that will complement any season!

Your garden is your sanctuary, and one of the most popular flower colors to incorporate is red. It symbolizes love, passion, and excitement, making it a captivating choice that will surely grab the attention of anyone in or around your garden. While you may already have red flowers in your garden, there are likely many lesser-known varieties that you have yet to discover!

Vibrant scarlet blooms are a fantastic addition to any garden. Whether you scatter them in little bursts throughout the foliage or create a sea of them, they are sure to leave a lasting impression.

In this all-inclusive guide, you will learn everything you need to know about our favorite red flowers for your home or garden. Each flower type varies in form and shade, offering plenty of options to make every corner of your garden unique. Throughout this guide, we will provide a brief introduction to each of these flowers, along with some tips on how to care for them properly. Let’s delve deeper into each one!


The first flower we will talk about is the beautiful and unique Alstroemeria. This plant produces a cluster of vibrant red-orange flowers with a golden throat and deep burgundy streaks. Its appearance is similar to a lily, which is why it is also known as the Peruvian Lily. Alstroemerias are known for their hardiness and vigor in nature. They bloom from late spring to late summer, forming a full and bushy clump that can reach a height of 16 to 20 inches and a width of 20 to 24 inches.

Alstroemerias thrive in moist, well-drained, and fertile soil under full sun or partial shade. They are reliable and easy to grow, making them great flowers for casual gardeners as they require minimal effort to maintain. These flowers can grow in USDA zones 8 through 10 without winter protection, and they prefer soil with a pH level between 6 and 7.

As for Amaranthus, it is…

Originally from India, Africa, and Peru, the uniquely exotic amaranthus is a flower that stands out with its long, tassel-like strands of blooming clusters in a striking crimson red color during the summer and fall seasons.

The vibrant blossoms contrast beautifully with its oval, light green leaves, making it a standout feature in any summer garden. This dramatic plant can range from 36 to 96 inches in height and 12 to 36 inches in width, adding an imposing presence to any garden space.

While it can tolerate drought conditions, amaranthus thrives best when established under full sun in fertile, well-drained soil that is rich in humus and kept consistently moist. Regular maintenance is required as it easily spreads and needs to be pruned after flowering. It can grow in USDA zones 2 to 11, with soil pH ranging from alkaline to acidic or neutral.


The vibrant red amaryllises are sure to make a bold statement in any garden, with their striking and strikingly beautiful features. These large, velvety flowers boast a rich, crimson color with a delightful sheen around their center.

Amaryllises are highly favored for their stunning beauty and ease of care, making them a popular choice for many gardeners. Growing from a single bulb, this plant gracefully reaches heights of around 20 inches, producing 2 to 3 stems that each bear 5 to 6 flowers. The blooms don’t all open at once, instead flowering over a prolonged period.

One drawback of this lovely flower is its toxicity if ingested, so caution must be taken. However, it thrives well in USDA zones 8 to 11 and can adapt to various soil types, including chalk, clay, loam, or sand.

While the flower may not be the star of the show like the sea anemone referenced in that famous fish joke, the anemone coronaria is still quite lively in appearance. These double flowers sport curved petals that resemble poppies, radiating from a dark center.
Despite not being a particularly long-lasting flower, anemones remain popular due to their vibrant and attractive appearance, which is easy to cultivate and requires minimal effort to grow. These flowers thrive in sunny conditions and do well in sandy, well-drained soil with moderate moisture.
Anemones are ideal for beds, borders, or rock gardens, and they also make a stunning addition to a flower arrangement. These flowers are sensitive to cold and typically bloom in mid to late spring, attracting attention from butterflies. It is recommended to soak small corms of anemone in water for several hours before planting. They typically grow to a height of 8 to 12 inches in USDA zones 7 through 10.

Known for its natural pinkish hue, the anthurium, also known as the flamingo flower, gradually transforms from a soft rosy color to a vibrant, glossy red as it matures. The flower features a heart-shaped spathe surrounding a white or cream-colored spadix, although it can also bloom in a striking, bright yellow hue. The entire bloom shines elegantly, resembling a lacquered or varnished finish, and can reach impressive heights of 12 to 18 inches and widths of 10 to 12 inches.

With proper care, the anthurium can be a long-lasting flower that blooms all year round. When planted indoors in a container with a soil mixture containing peat and other organic materials like compost or ground bark, the plant can produce 4 to 6 flowers per year. Anthuriums require filtered lighting, consistent moisture, and a stable temperature of 16 degrees Celsius, with higher humidity during the summer months. They thrive in USDA zones 11 through 12.

Ameria, also known as “Ballerina Red,” is a vibrant red flower that blooms in a large sphere shape with densely packed florets. This beautiful flower can transform gardens with its stunning appearance and tendency to bloom in mid to late spring, with occasional blooms in the summer and fall.

This charming flower can thrive even in dry, infertile soil, with the main observable difference being the leaves falling outward, leaving an open center when planted in richer soils. Ameria is quite drought-resistant once established and can be easily cultivated with just partial or full sun.

Reaching a height and width of 8 to 10 inches, Ameria requires spacing of about 10 to 15 inches from other flowers. It produces numerous blooms per bush and can produce another flush of flowers through deadheading. Ameria thrives in USDA and heat zones 6 to 7.

Another stunningly vibrant flower is the aster, also known as the “royal ruby” for its rich mulberry-red petals with a deep red gradient surrounding its bright yellow-gold center. Originally from North America, the aster blooms from late summer to early fall, bringing a cheerful ambiance to any garden with its eye-catching appearance. A must-have for garden owners looking to attract birds and butterflies, as the sweet nectar of the aster is beloved by these creatures.

Asters are long-lasting and grow easily in full sun or partial sun. They thrive in well-drained soil with moderate moisture and need good air circulation to prevent powdery mildew. Growing into an upright, bushy display reaching heights of 18 to 20 inches and widths of 12 to 18 inches, they are also quite hardy and can thrive in USDA zones 4 to 8.

Commonly known as the Flame Azalea, this stunning flower showcases a vibrant range of colors, from golden-yellow to fiery red with bright orange patches, all in a single bloom. Resembling small candle flames, the buds of the Flame Azalea gradually unfurl into a striking, loosely clustered blossom that ultimately transforms into an exquisite, star-shaped flower.

While these flowers may be poisonous to humans, they are a favorite among various birds, including hummingbirds, making them a highly recommended choice for butterfly gardens. Thriving in either full or partial sun, Azaleas prefer acidic, well-drained soil rich in humus. To ensure optimal growth, a layer of mulch such as leaf mold is advised to maintain soil temperature, retain moisture, and control weed growth. These upright, spreading shrubs typically reach a height and width of 48 to 96 inches, making them suitable for planting in USDA zones 5 to 8 during spring, summer, or fall.

The begonia is a resilient bloomer known for its large and impressive flowers. Resembling carnations, begonias have crimped edges and strikingly scarlet-red petals that contrast beautifully with their deep green and waxy leaves. They are easy to cultivate in fertile, well-drained soil with slight acidity or a neutral pH level, under some shade from the sun.

Begonias can thrive in low-maintenance gardens as they are deer and rabbit resistant. Growing to heights of 12 to 14 inches and spreading around 12 to 16 inches wide effortlessly. However, they do not withstand strong winds, cooler temperatures, or frost well. Proper air circulation is necessary, and in colder climates, they should be dug up and stored in a dry place over the winter. Planting them in USDA zones 9 through 11 is recommended.


Bergamots are striking, bunch-forming perennials that produce vibrant, cherry-red flowers in tightly packed, almost disc-shaped clusters. For this reason, they are commonly known as “Cherry Pops.” These plants and their flowers make excellent decorative accents, ideal for informal flower borders in small summer gardens. They also easily attract many beneficial pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds, all while being resistant to deer and rabbits.

Bergamots thrive in either partial shade or full sun, preferring well-drained, moderately fertile, and moist soil enriched with humus. Proper aeration is key to preventing powdery mildew. These plants can grow in clumps of upright stems up to 20 inches tall and 26 inches wide.

Regularly removing spent flowers encourages new blooms and can also result in lovely cut flowers. Bergamots are moderately hardy and do best in USDA zones 4 to 8.

Bergenia, also known as evening bells, is a beautiful winter plant that features upright clusters of bell-shaped, rosy-red flower heads. These flowers bloom from a sturdy, deep burgundy-red stem base that has a wrinkled and leathery appearance. Although Bergenia can grow in almost any soil condition, it thrives best in average, moderately moist, well-drained soil that is rich in humus. It can also flourish in full or partial sun, as well as in heavily shaded areas, as long as the conditions are not too hot or dry.

Bergenia is a very low-maintenance plant and can be propagated by division or rhizome sectioning in the spring or fall. They are great for city or coastal gardens as they are resistant to diseases and make for effective ground cover along paths and walkways. They look stunning when planted in large groups. In USDA zones 4 to 8, Bergenia can grow to be as wide as they are tall, which is typically around 12 to 18 inches.

Also known as Bleeding Heart, Bergenia is a versatile and adaptable plant that adds beauty to any garden setting.

The bleeding heart, also known as “Valentine,” is a truly enchanting plant to behold. This perennial produces numerous flower stems that gracefully arch, each adorned with several heart-shaped flowers in a vibrant scarlet-red hue with contrasting white petals. These blooms last for 4 to 6 weeks from late spring to early summer before fading away by mid-summer, leaving behind green foliage.

Bleeding hearts can grow vigorously up to 30 inches in height and spread out over a wide area. They thrive in humus-rich, fertilized soil that is well-drained, but they can also tolerate poor drainage. These plants do well in shaded areas, but they can also withstand full sun as long as the soil remains consistently moist. Bleeding hearts are best suited for USDA zones 3 to 9, but caution is advised as they can cause severe discomfort if ingested.

Calla Lily is another beautiful plant that deserves mention.

Originating from South Africa, calla lilies are known for their vibrant and cheerful presence in gardens during the summer and fall seasons. These plants have a unique appearance, with trumpet-shaped flowers that start off as a glowing golden-yellow hue and mature into a fiery orange-red with yellow speckling on their throat. They also come in a variety of colors including white, and even a rare deep black flower.

Calla lilies grow to be sturdy and elegant, reaching heights of about 14 to 18 inches with a width of 12 to 24 inches. They are a popular choice for weddings and can add an interesting touch to any bouquet due to their elegant form.

These flowers are low-maintenance and don’t require much effort to thrive, making them a great option for beginner gardeners. They prefer moist and well-drained soil in either full sun or partial shade. While calla lilies are resistant to deer and rabbits, they may cause skin and eye irritation due to their sap and should not be ingested. They thrive in USDA zones 8 to 10.

Known also as the “Crimson Bottlebrush,” Callistemons are fragrant and visually appealing plants that attract various birds and butterflies due to their abundant production of nectar. When their leaves are crushed, they emit a refreshing lemony scent. These plants can be propagated through seeds or semi-hardwood cuttings. They are evergreen shrubs that produce spiky flowers with brush-like thistles serving as petals, which bloom in a vibrant crimson color.

Callistemons thrive in moist and acidic soil that is well-drained, with regular watering in full sun or lightly shaded areas. They are generally resistant to pests, although spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects may be an issue when grown indoors in a greenhouse. In their native Australia, these plants can grow to the height of trees, reaching up to 25 feet tall and spreading anywhere from 3 to 22 feet wide! Callistemons can grow successfully in USDA zones 10 to 11.

Camellias are highly esteemed flowers that come in various forms and colors, with over 30,000 different cultivars. Particularly, red camellias are known for their large and densely packed petals, giving them a striking appearance. These semi-double blooms feature deep red petals with golden stamens peeking out, creating a beautiful contrast. They bloom profusely over several months, creating a dramatic and stunning garden display from spring to winter.

Camellias thrive in acidic, organically rich, well-drained soil that retains moisture moderately. They prefer to be shaded either partially or fully, as they are not fans of direct sunlight. While camellias are low maintenance flowers, they need protection from direct sunlight and various insects like vine weevils, aphids, and scale insects. In USDA zones 7 to 9, they can grow up to 6 to 8 feet tall and wide.

Overall, camellias are a delightful addition to any garden, offering beauty and elegance throughout the seasons.

The cаnnа plant, also known as the “Ambassador,” has a striking appearance. It can grow to heights of 5 to 6 feet and spread out to a width of 18 to 24 inches. With foliage in a vibrant emerald green, it produces large, impressive flowers that resemble irises in looks. These robust, velvety flowers come in a variety of colors, including a fiery, deep red, making cаnnаs a colorful and refreshing addition to any tropical garden.

Cаnnа plants are low-maintenance and easy to grow, thriving in most soil conditions. They prefer full sun and do best in soil that is organically rich, well-drained, and consistently moist. While pests generally leave cаnnа plants alone, it’s important to watch out for slugs, snails, Japanese beetles, and caterpillars, as these insects can cause significant damage to the foliage. It’s worth noting that cаnnа plants are not frost-resistant and are most hardy in USDA zones 8 to 11.

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