On Thursday, Demi Lovato took to Instagram to spread a message of body positivity with her fans. The 24-year-old singer shared a photo of her thighs to emphasize the beauty of different body shapes and sizes. In the caption, she confidently stated, ‘I may not have a thigh gap, but I am still beautiful just the way I am.’
In a recent post, Demi Lovato shared a body positive message with her followers, emphasizing that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. She confidently showed off her tan, healthy thighs in a blue swimsuit while soaking up the sun on the beach. Embracing her curves, the Camp Rock star made it clear that she doesn’t need a thigh gap to feel good about herself, stating, ‘I’m still beautiful just the way I am.’ Using hashtags like ‘#recovery’, ‘#selflove’, and ‘#EVERYbodyisbeautiful’, Demi promoted a message of acceptance and self-love. The popular concept of a thigh gap as a symbol of thinness and beauty was challenged by her empowering post.
Watch out for that space between your thighs! The ex-Disney star has repeatedly discussed the unattainable “thigh gap,” encouraging her followers to love and accept their bodies as they are, rather than conforming to society’s standards. Check out the Heart Attack crooner in action during a performance in Mexico City back in October 2016.
The Latin beauty has previously addressed the issue of the ‘thigh gap’ and the unattainable standards of beauty. In a 2015 interview with Entertainment Tonight, the singer of the song Heart Attack expressed her frustration with society’s definition of beauty and how these unrealistic standards can impact one’s self-image. She emphasized that it’s important to embrace your natural body, whether you have a thigh gap or not. Starving yourself or resorting to unhealthy habits is unnecessary, as not having a thigh gap does not diminish your beauty, according to the celebrity.
Fearless: Demi has consistently stood out as a champion of self-acceptance in the superficial entertainment industry, openly criticizing the unattainable standards that are perpetuated within her profession. Check out the talented star during her appearance on The Late Late Show With James Corden on April 5th.
Although Demi may appear confident today, it has been a journey for her to reach this point. The former Disney star has faced challenges with eating disorders and self-acceptance in the past, but now she embraces and loves her body. In a 2014 interview, she mentioned that she no longer criticizes her body and has learned to appreciate it, even on days when she may not fully love every part of it. Demi recently released a new single and has a music video in the works, collaborating with the EDM group Cheat Codes on the track “No Promises.”