She has always been open with her fans about the challenges she faces in her personal life. Demi Lovato revealed that despite her ongoing struggle with body image issues, she has decided to give up on dieting in a recent interview with People magazine. The 25-year-old singer shared that maintaining self-confidence is a constant challenge, but she has found more happiness since she stopped limiting herself when it comes to food.
Lovely: Demi Lovato opened up about her ongoing journey with body image and revealed that she has embraced a new approach to her wellness in an interview with People magazine, as shared on Instagram.
“Some days I feel really good and other days, not so much,” the talented singer of Tell Me You Love Me expressed. “It’s a fluctuating journey.”
Demi shared that she has ditched the strict diets and allowed herself to gain a bit of weight, leading to some internal struggles. However, she emphasized that she now finds joy in not restricting herself from certain foods and no longer engaging in negative self-talk about her eating habits.
Adding a fun twist to her fitness routine, Demi recently collaborated with Kate Hudson’s activewear brand Fabletics to launch her own third collection.
Casual: The 25-year-old singer shared that she’s constantly working on staying confident, but she’s feeling more content ever since she stopped depriving herself of certain foods. She talked about this on Instagram.
She expressed her belief that our society is overly focused on diet culture, with most TV commercials promoting weight loss pills, fitness equipment, or various food products. Lovato shared that she enjoys practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a way to stay active, which she has been doing for over two years. Emphasizing her journey of recovering from a food disorder, she wanted to convey the message that one can be happy without constantly dieting. Lovato highlighted the importance of balance and moderation in maintaining good health, suggesting that this message is not often emphasized in the media.
Staying active is key for Lovato, and she loves hitting the mat for a Brazilian jiu-jitsu session, a passion she’s pursued for over two years now. Check out her Instagram to see her in action!
Demi is in a fantastic place right now, and she’s not shy about keeping her fans updated on social media, as seen on her Instagram.
She mentioned that the start of a new year can be a difficult time for those battling food or body issues. “New Year’s resolutions often focus on hitting the gym, but it’s crucial for someone to remind you that your value is not determined by your weight or appearance,” she expressed.
Although she acknowledged that she is currently in a good place mentally, Demi emphasized her commitment to being authentic on social media. “I believe that sharing sexy photos can be empowering and freeing,” Lovato remarked. “I feel more empowered whenever I put myself out there. Plus, it’s a nice bonus when you receive positive feedback from others, especially if you’re feeling confident in a cute swimsuit and a handsome guy likes your post.”
Lovato expressed that she believes sharing attractive photos can be a source of empowerment and freedom.