Angelina Jolie graced the DVD release event for her animated film, Kung Fu Panda, in Hollywood yesterday. Due to her hospitalization in the French Riviera for the arrival of her twins, Knox and Vivienne, Jolie was unable to attend the film’s premiere in LA earlier in June. However, at the recent DVD launch, Jolie appeared effortlessly stylish in a short black dress with long sleeves and beige pumps. Her toned legs drew attention, and it seems that her rumored pilates routine with Maddox’s Nintendo DS video game is yielding positive results.
Angelia chatted with journalists regarding her twins’ characteristics, describing them as “cheerful.” She was not very forthcoming about her thoughts on the election, simply remarking that it was nice to witness people’s enthusiasm for the outcome. Meanwhile, her partner, Brad Pitt, attended Barack Obama’s acceptance speech at Grant Park in Chicago and even opted to take the tram to get to the event.