Jennifer Lopez, a two-time Grammy nominee, was spotted in a casual attire as she made her way to a dance studio in Los Angeles this Tuesday. The 52-year-old singer opted for a makeup-free look beneath her sunglasses, sporting her usual large hoop earrings and a top bun. She completed her ensemble with white sweatpants and matching Nike high-tops. Notably absent were her 14-year-old fraternal twins, Emme Maribel Muñiz and Maximilian David Muñiz, from her previous marriage to Marc Anthony, which came to an end in 2011 after seven years.
J.Lo, the queen of the block! Multi-nominated Grammy artist Jennifer Lopez was spotted in a casual outfit as she made her way to a dance studio in Los Angeles on a Tuesday.
Jennifer was filled with love as she posed for a picture, but noticeably absent were her 14-year-old fraternal twins, Emme Maribel Muñiz and Maximilian David Muñiz. They are from her third marriage to Marc Anthony, which unfortunately ended in 2011 after seven years.
PDA: Lopez was recently spotted with her soon-to-be husband, two-time Oscar-winning director Ben Affleck, at the exclusive Soho House in West Hollywood on Monday night.
At the upcoming 2022 MTV Movie & TV Awards, Jennifer will be vying for the title of best song with her own track “On My Way (Marry Me).” The awards, which will be broadcasted live on June 5 from Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, will have fans vote for the winners.
Facing tough competition from the cast of Encanto, Jennifer Hudson from Respect, Dominic Fike from Euphoria, and the duo Ariana Grande and Kid Cudi from Don’t Look Up, Lopez will need to bring her A-game to clinch the award.
Born in the Bronx and an Emmy nominee, Jennifer is also set to debut her documentary “Halftime” at the Tribeca Film Festival on June 8 at the United Palace in Washington Heights, Manhattan.
Unusual duet alert! This upcoming Friday, the multi-talented producer and star of Marry Me will be lending his vocals to a new track by Grammy-nominated country singer Jimmie Allen. The song, titled On My Way, will be part of Allen’s highly anticipated third album, Tulip Drive.
Jennifer is in the running for the best song trophy at the 2022 MTV Movie & TV Awards with her track “On My Way (Marry Me)”, which will be aired on June 5. The ceremony will take place at Santa Monica’s Barker Hangar, and it’s anybody’s guess who the winner will be.
Renowned filmmaker Amanda Micheli, who has been nominated for an Oscar, expressed her excitement at being selected for the opening night of Tribeca. She finds it particularly special to celebrate this significant moment in Jennifer’s life and career, especially since the event is taking place just a short distance from where Jennifer grew up. She believes that sharing the film with a New York audience on the big screen is a dream come true.
For those who can’t wait to watch the film, entitled “Halftime”, detailing JLo’s journey to stardom, motherhood, music and movie career, Super Bowl LIV Halftime show, Presidential inauguration, and more, they will be able to stream it on Netflix starting June 14.
“I’m so excited and grateful to be chosen for the premiere night!” Lopez will be present at the debut of her documentary Halftime at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival on June 8th.
Beginning on June 14th, Netflix users will have the chance to watch Halftime, a film that follows the journey of JLo as she climbs to stardom. The movie discusses her experiences with motherhood, her successful music and movie career, her iconic performance at the Super Bowl LIV Halftime show, her appearance at the Presidential inauguration, and much more.