Unveiling Wonder Woman’s Daily 5-Meal Eating Regimen by PT

The lead actress of the blockbuster Wonder Woman still consumes carbohydrates to fuel her work but carefully selects foods with a low glycemic index and always makes sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Magnus Lygback is a Swedish fitness trainer and nutrition expert with nearly 20 years of experience in the fitness industry. Many Hollywood stars, including Katy Perry, Alicia Vikander, and Gal Gadot, trust Magnus for his expertise.

In an interview with Women’s Health, Lygback revealed that during the filming of Wonder Woman 1984, when not filming high-energy or risky scenes, Gal Gadot would spend about an hour in the gym to maintain her health and strong physique.

Gal Gadot từng tập luyện cường độ cao liên tục trong 6 tháng để có vóc dáng săn chắc cũng như có đủ thể lực cho vai diễn siêu anh hùng.

Gal Gadot underwent intense training for six months to achieve a toned physique and build enough strength for her superhero role.

Lygdback also advised on a nutrition plan for Miss Israel. Gal Gadot had five meals a day, including three main meals and two snacks. Her menu focused on consuming whole foods (prepared in the simplest way possible to retain nutrients) and balancing different food groups.

A Swedish personal trainer set a unique rule: out of 20 meals, Gal Gadot could indulge in three meals of her choice, such as pasta, wine, or anything she desired. For the remaining 17 meals, she needed to limit intake of high glycemic index starches like white bread, white rice, potatoes, and soft drinks. “You don’t have to eat chicken breast or salads every day. The more you make your meals interesting and creative, the easier it is to stick to a healthy lifestyle,” Lygback emphasized.

Trong 20 bữa ăn, Gal Gadot sẽ có 3 bữa được ăn theo ý thích.

In 20 meals, Gal Gadot has the freedom to enjoy 3 meals of her choice. Wonder Woman’s breakfast is usually a colorful meal consisting of vegetables like tomatoes, avocados, boiled eggs, and quinoa to provide her with enough fiber, carbohydrates, protein, and fats to kickstart her day.
Between breakfast and lunch, Gal Gadot typically enjoys a light meal of salad with smoked meat and a variety of nuts. Her favorite lunch includes tuna, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Thực đơn của Gal Gadot thường có 5 bữa với 3 bữa chính 2 bữa phụ tuân thủ nguyên tắc giàu protein và chất xơ.

Gal Gadot usually follows a 5-meal plan with 3 main meals and 2 snacks, focusing on high protein and fiber content. For her mid-morning snack, Gal Gadot often opts for protein-rich options like grilled fish or chicken breast served with vegetables and avocado guacamole dip. Her evening meal typically includes black rice, beef, and a variety of vegetables.

Trong ngày, Gal Gadot cũng giữ thói quen uống nhiều nước để tăng cường trao đổi chất, hạn chế cảm giác thèm ăn.

Throughout the day, Gal Gadot also maintains the habit of drinking plenty of water to boost metabolism and curb cravings.

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