Known for her quirky and unique outfits on the red carpet, Katy Perry once again wowed fans with a daring ensemble as she left the KISS Radio Station in London on Friday. The singer, who was busy promoting her latest album Witness, made a bold fashion statement in a bright dress with a plunging neckline before her performance at Glastonbury Festival over the weekend.
Katy Perry didn’t hold back on her fashion choices as she made her way out of the Kiss Radio Station in London on Friday after a long day promoting her latest album Witness. The singer flaunted her slim figure in a bold patterned dress that accentuated her tiny waist. Rocking sky-high purple heels, Katy confidently strutted out of the venue, adding a pop of color to her ensemble. Completing her look with chic cat-eyed sunglasses, she effortlessly exuded cool vibes under the sunlight.
Got a sneak peek! The singer, aged 32, showed off her style by flaunting her assets in a low-cut, colorful dress.
The popular singer finished off her outfits with a bold swipe of red lipstick for a bit of flair. Katy surprised her fans not only with her daring fashion sense, but also by ranking her past lovers based on their performance in the bedroom in a recent live interview. Diplo was ranked third, with John Mayer taking the top spot and Orlando Bloom coming in second.
The singer added a touch of glam to their look with some chic cat-eye sunglasses that sparkled in the sunlight.
Impressive: The music sensation put the finishing touch on her outfit by adding a bold red lipstick for a touch of glamour. During a recent interview, she ranked Diplo as her least favorite romantic partner. Giving the second spot to her ex-boyfriend Orlando, whom she broke up with earlier this year. Topping her list of lovers was Mayer, with whom Katy had an on-and-off relationship for around three years.
Katy made a sensational departure from the event, strutting out in towering stilettos in a bold shade of purple that perfectly complemented her outfit. During a candid moment with James, she revealed that all her previous partners were ‘incredible’ in the bedroom. Blushing, she confessed, ‘They’re all fantastic lovers, and I wouldn’t mind getting intimate with any of them once I leave here!’ Surprisingly, she made no mention of ex-husband Russell Brand. She also expressed regret over letting go of Josh Groban, whom she dated back in 2009.
Absolutely stunning: Katy flaunted a lot of her flawless skin with the plunging back of a form-fitting dress. Back in 2010, she penned the song The One That Got Away, keeping the mystery man’s identity under wraps. During a recent interview, the Bon Appetit singer finally spilled the beans, revealing that the song is about her good friend Groban. It seems like Katy’s love life has been a topic of speculation for quite some time!
Impressive: She delivered a lively show in her unique outfit. Katy was making waves with her songs “I Kissed A Girl” and “One Of The Boys” when she was dating Groban. Prior to him, she was rumored to be with Travie McCoy. Groban later moved on to a relationship with Kat Dennings. Currently, Katy is busy promoting her latest album Witness and is gearing up for an extensive tour starting in September. She is set to perform at the Glastonbury Festival alongside many other celebrities this weekend.
Celebrities galore: The vocalist is set to rub shoulders with a myriad of well-known personalities at the upcoming Glastonbury Festival.