Uncovering the Treasures Within Tutankhamun’s Golden Sarcophagus

The central sarcophagus of Tutankhamun is a breathtaking example of ancient Egyptian art and skill. Crafted from pure gold, the sarcophagus is decorated with detailed carvings, writings, and embedded semi-precious gems and colorful glass.

The coffin is crafted in the likeness of the deity Osiris, depicted with the sacred heka scepter and flail in hand. Adorning his forehead are a vulture and a rearing cobra, with a divine beard made of gold accented with blue glass.

The coffin’s body is safeguarded by gods from Upper and Lower Egypt, each with their own set of wings. It has a weight of 110.4 kilograms and inside rested the mummy of the king, adorned with the famous golden mask of the youthful ruler.

This third mummiform coffin belonging to Tutankhamun was moved to the Egyptian Museum Cairo shortly after the tomb’s discovery in 1922. The outer gilded coffin, however, remained in the tomb until being brought to the Grand Egyptian Museum for maintenance and protection. It will now be showcased alongside the other two coffins, marking the first time they will all be displayed together since their original discovery.

Tutankhamun, famously referred to as the Golden Pharaoh, was a youthful ruler during the 18th Dynasty of Egypt’s New Kingdom. His mysterious death and the pristine condition of his burial chamber have intrigued generations of people. The tomb, found in the Valley of the Kings on the Luxor’s west bank in November 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter, generated significant media attention globally.

The tomb of the king measured 6 meters by 4 meters and contained a quartzite sarcophagus adorned with images of four protective deities. These figures were meant to watch over both the sarcophagus and the mummy of the king.

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